Monday, July 20, 2009

Real-time visibility across Marketing Funds: Part 2

So, further to the previous post, what happened with this Orbis client who had such issues with financial information in marketing?

This company now considers itself to be ‘excellent at marketing financial management’. How they got there seems simple, but in reality took a lot of Executive Commitment and support for a significant change.

The VP Marketing sponsored a project to implement the Orbis Marketing Planning & Financials solution. But more than just software, the executive team understood that it was important to promote and push for a long term change in behavior across marketing.

The Orbis Business Adoption program is helping to implement this, by focusing on 'Adoption', we have been able to help marketing to use the software effectively. All marketing teams now use financial data in all decision making; the executive team can rely on the data being accurate and timely; and the marketing results are measurably improved.

I guess it just shows how one event can be a catalyst for positive long-term change.

Has anyone else seen an event or issue that created an opportunity for long-term change?

More soon, Liam

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